
Washburn High School
Class of 1959


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Reunion 60

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Friday, June 21, 2019

Lyceum Speakers

A Political Scientist Runs for Congress, 2002
My presentation summarizes my unsuccessful election campaign to represent the Fifth District of Ohio in the US House of Representatives in 2002. I discuss why I ran, organizing the campaign,finances, my opponent, issues in the campaign, meeting my constituents, election results, and lessons learned.

Dr. Roger C. Anderson - B.A. Major: History with Honors, University of Minnesota,1963. M.A. Major: Political Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1966. Ph.D. in Political Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1970. Associate Professor Emeritus, Political Science, Bowling Green State University.

The World by Camera
Photography and discussion to concentrate on little visited countries, cities, places found around the world.

Stan Bormann - APSA, MPSA, Director - PSA Member Services. Stan and his wife Shirley have been to about 70 countries around the world, and have concentrated on photographing them for the last 15 years or so. Stan has achieved the MPSA distinction in photography from the Photographic Society of America, PSA, which indicates that he has over 1,500 acceptances of images into PSA recognized exhibitions. Many of these are related to their travel.

40 Years Playing With Diatoms
You cannot go through a day without encountering diatoms or their impact on your food, your house or your travel.

George Christoferson - BSB University of Minnesota. 20 years selling minerals to industry in a sales territory from the Rocky Mountains to the Soo Locks. Twenty additional years as Technical Service Manager, traveling worldwide to assist and train customers in the efficient use of diatomite.

Growing Up in Mussolini's Fascist Italy: A Personal Account
In his memoirs Andrea Meloni wrote about his experience as an enthusiastic little Fascist in elementary school and a disillusioned and dangerously rebellious anti- Fascist teen-ager.

Christine Foster Meloni - B.A. (Wells College) and an M.A. (University of Florence) in Italian language and literature. M.A. in linguistics (American University). M.A. in Education (University of Rome). EdD in International Higher Education (George Washington University). She married Andrea Meloni and lived in Rome for 10 years. She taught English in Naples and Rome and at George Washington University in Washington, DC where she is Professor Emerita. She currently writes for the Norwegian American newspaper.

Family History
If it's not written down, it will be forgotten. You're in your late 70s; what can you do now to find, record, and preserve your family history?

John Kennedy - Lawyer, retired judge, mediator: involved in Family History and Genealogy for over 50 years: research and teaching.

A Memoir of My Nature Adventures
Since the natural world continues to fascinate me, l plan to showcase Wildlife and landscape images from recent photography trips including Alaska, Canada, Brazil, Panama, and Utah. And if time permits, a few cityscapes from my hometown, New York City.
Nancy Langer - Retired Physical Therapist, Co-chair and speaker coordinator of Sierra Photo NYC, a sub-group ofthe National Sierra Club and member ofthe Professional Women Photographers Club. Traveling to all seven continents, she has accumulated a large collection of images from many cultures, and her real passion, highlighting the wonders of nature and the importance of conserving it. Since New York City is her hometown she loves to capture intriguing cityscapes and has published a book that includes a history and images of her neighborhood. "My camera equipment includes a Canon Digital SLR, a Sony Mirrorless, lenses and of course my IPhone, the best camera because it is always with you!!"

How to Rent Out Your Spare Room for Fun, Profit and Social Benefit Too
A niche talkfor the landlords and landladies among us; past, present.future and 'miqhtwanta's'

Elizabeth Hardesty (Lee Elizabeth Lufkin) - With the rising cost of housing in major cities, renting out a spare room is becoming commonplace yet is still largely unregulated. After 35 years of personal 'learning experiences' as a landlady, Elizabeth recently began teaching it in a local college.

The Weight of Memory: How the Vietnam War Lingered for My Father and Me
Kim O'Connell is the daughter of Washburn alumnus Denny O'Connell, who passed away in 2010, and Huong O'Connell, a Vietnamese immigrant. Kim O'Connell - Kim is a researcher and writer in Virginia who is working on a book about how the Vietnam War affected her family antt other immigrant and refugee families.

Seating for Seniors
Thinking ofpurchasing a lift chair or recliner? A discussion of things to be aware of when shopping for a lift chair or recliner including features, capabilities, limitations and costs.

Jay O'Shea - University of Minnesota. Management positions in wholesale and retail, sales, manufacturing and merchandising in the Home Furniture Industry, for the last 50+ years.

Aging Successfully Through Engaging Storytelling: OBJECTS OF HOPE
Howard Thorsheim will explain why engaging in the sharing engaging life stories is importantfor aging successfully. He will share the powerful and positive impacts of the mutual social support we gain when we share our life stories that: we feel good thinking about. and listen to others: As we find pieces of our own stories in stories of others the benefits include a stronger sense of community and interpersonal relatedness, and buffering of the distress from common stressful experiences that otherwise can create serious challenges to physical and mental health. Howard will then help us experience a simple OBJECTS OF HOPE leadership process that grew from his research, and show us (a) How to explain its benefits, and (b) How to facilitate the simple process.

Howard Iver Thorsheim, Ph.D., L. P. - Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Neuroscience, st. Olaf College Northfield, MN.

Very Important Homework For Howard's Session:
In advance of coming to our WHS reunion we are kindly requesting that you look around for any object you have saved and are willing to briefly tell another person about - and bring it to the session. Choose some "OBJECT OF HOPE" that reminds you of things you feel good thinking about; that is, any object that reminds you of a memory you feel good thinking about. There is no wrong kind of object to bring--it could be about anything enjoyable and meaningful: people in your life; travel you have done; a career experience; a place you have lived; a favorite hobby, photo on your cell phone, etc. We will be able to experience the delights of OBJECTS OF HOPE at our own reunion. It promises to be a meaningful experience together, and the simple technique is one that you can take home and use at any other gathering of family or friends, reunion.

We need all the photos of the Reunion that will be available.
For information on how and where to send your photos
after to 60th Reunion Party is over
Click Here.

Cake Eaters - flag guy

We hope you had a great time at the Reunion!

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